Letters from Kenny

A collection of thoughts and letters and poems written by Kenny...a 60's something retired Navy man with a Whirlwind for a wife.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

At My Death

At My Death
by kenny merrell

Bury me not amongst the forgotten marble stones
I desire not to molder within the tired gaze of perplexed angels
Rather take my husk of carcass decimated by life’s lessons and
Thrust it into the depths of cremations fiery furnace
Carry the ashes in the most simple of container
Empty within the depths of the oceans blustering waves
Or mix among the roots of gentle trees
No written memory do I long for,
Only thoughts from friends and family
I leave no mark of famous outcome
Just remember all my love that still remains
In dreams I will come and visit
And in tranquil setting we will be together once again

Monday, November 20, 2006

Golden Memories

Golden Memories
By Kenny merrell

Light the candles
Bask in warmth of memories
Gilded tapestries of life’s sojourn
Moments pass in strikes of lightning
And fifty years in quicksilver haste
I see such beauty in my lover’s motion
Her grace still there defeating time’s mournful pull
Slow down these mortal passages
With princely, thoughtful pause
Toast only to the present
But remember love’s luxurious happenings
Our journey will be written
In terms of grace and beauty
A love story told to grand children
On nights when sleep won’t come
Into the future we will be remembered
Our life a model to them all

Monday, November 13, 2006

Carol's Poem

Carol’s poem

It seems
We have known
Each other forever
It is so new
It seems
As if we
Just met

Friday, November 10, 2006

Till Then

Till Then
by kenny merrell

Dreams wrapped in multi layered feelings
Held together by words of soft consolation
Parting, For just one moment, So difficult to bear

Till Then
When meetings once more coincide
What will we talk of when time has past
Will it still be the same or
Must we change with each passing moment

Your direction
Has made a better me
I fear my days will no longer be the same
With you no longer there
So, till then, I wait for your return