Letters from Kenny

A collection of thoughts and letters and poems written by Kenny...a 60's something retired Navy man with a Whirlwind for a wife.

Monday, April 25, 2005

a poem written by my cousin, Kathy Morin

Here's a poem written by my cousin Kathy Morin. It appeared in the
magazine "PHOENIX 2001" from Chattanooga State.

I am as Wheat

I am as wheat,
One single grain.
A body inherited by Eden.
I shall lie at the alter,
Planted by prayer
And covered with hope anew.

I am beaten by rain,
One who endures
Cold drafts of failure,
Blown by trials and open trails,
Holding on to the altar's rails,
Yet warm with vision anew.

I am as wheat
Standing in a storm,
Held by God's firm arm,
Secured in fields of grace.
I have a human's face,
Blessed with love anew.

I shall rise up,
Spirit filled by God,
Empty of imaginable good.
One single human
No less forgiven
And redeemed anew.

Wheat, a grain of hope,
Hoping still.
Holding on by God's will,
Waiting for Heaven's harvest.
From the strong to the weakest,
To gather in Heaven anew.

Katherine Morin


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think I knew Kathy when she was in her teens or maybe early twentys. Did she work for vale Value Giant in Bremerton Wa? If so she gave me a drawing that she had done, and it is still my favoite. I just thought on a whim that I would put her name in the computer to see if she was famous now. I guess she is. E-mail me at miteymouse.wavecable.com

November 20, 2005 at 6:48 PM  

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