Letters from Kenny

A collection of thoughts and letters and poems written by Kenny...a 60's something retired Navy man with a Whirlwind for a wife.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Letters from Kenny

Christmas 2005

Carols from the heart
by kenny merrell

We set out to sing our Christmas Carols, on a cold wintry day
Each home we greeted warmly, when asking us to stay
Singing from the heart, we never felt the cold
Songs we sang from childhood, standards never too old
At dusk we reached the last stop, only one candle light seen
The glow so soft and flickering, at first, no one home, it seemed
From the doorway two figures huddled, shivering in the cold
A husband and his wife exclaiming,
"” Oh dear, you'’re wonderful, a joy to behold!"
It'’s our Diamond Anniversary!
Her voice so old and quivering, the sentiment so sincere
We asked, "“Pray tell us, what song you wish to hear?"
Whispering to each other, the old man said so soft,
"“Sing the one my Mother taught me, The Old Rugged Cross"”
As we sang the first note, we all felt a tear
It made our voices resonate, our vibrato loud and clear
As we all strained to finish, a song so dear to us all
We noticed the two forms receding, disappearing into the wall
"“Just a trick of light"”, we exclaimed! As we hurried to warmth and family
In bed that night, reviewing the sight, I was sleepless in misery
I hurried out at morning light, to solve something I couldn'’t believe
How could such events happen and on a Christmas Eve?
When I reached the front yard, the house was empty, deserted for years
A neighbor explained the sad event, holding back her tears
The old couple had frozen to death, twenty years ago,
On their anniversary,
You remember that Christmas Eve, when we had all the snow?
I felt so dejected and unhappy, to the sadness of it all
Christmas, a time for renewal, as the snow began to fall
But through all its misty beauty, I could still faintly hear
The song that gave them joy, briefly, for another year
"“On a hill far away stands an old rugged cross.........."…

Remember the true meaning of Christmas
With love Kenny and Carol

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Letters from Kenny: Letters from Kenny

A Cowboy
by kenny merrell

Cowboys are heroes to us common folk
They seem to have the way to live
They look you in the eye
Their bond is the word they give
No more than a handshake is needed
Honor is their way
Polite by dang you betcha!
But they always have their say
They are slow and easy
But don't get em riled
They can slow walk an ornery hoss
They can make the girls go wild
Once they make up their mind
They are loyal to the end
The women folk adore them
And the men folk call them friend