Letters from Kenny

A collection of thoughts and letters and poems written by Kenny...a 60's something retired Navy man with a Whirlwind for a wife.

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

Kenny, Carol said you wanted to get started on this but did not know how, so here it is all ready for you to post into.

you can change everything even your password which I will send you in an email.

You can change the template, and you can change the colors, this is just a plain vanilla one to get you going. If you know HTML then you are way ahead of the game. If not, then all you need to do is start writting, and hit Publish Post. and Voila, It is there.

Now, a hint, Blogger is having a bit of a problem right now, so if you are going to write anything you want to keep, write it in word, or whatever word processor you have then copy and paste it into here. Ive lost several long posts.

We can add pictures to this page also, as Blogger has just added that capability.

you can add links, people you like to read, your political aspersions, your religious thoughts, ANYTHING.

This is for YOU!! do not let anybody tell you you need to write a certain way. you put your poems, or whatever on here and let 'em fly. before you know it, you will have a following too.

I will link you to my page, so people will know you are ready to go, just let me know when...


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